Raw Extract CBD Oil in MCT
Raw Extract CBD oil in MCT is a mild-tasting liquid CBD with the added bonus of MTC’s energy releasing properties.
Organic MCT is the perfect partner for full spectrum Raw CBD. Whole plant CBD extract is fat-soluble, not water-soluble, so it is most efficiently used by the body when dissolved in fats. The fatty medium-chain triglycerides (MCT oil) found in Organic Virgin Coconut Oil offers a particular advantage over other carrier oils because the MCT fats are directly metabolised by the liver into energy. The body can burn the fats and use the CBD molecules they contain right away. The fats are not stored like long-chain triglyceride so will not make you gain weight. Some users find they help to help them feel satiated, limiting their appetite.
The way that the liver releases the energy from MCT and the CBD it carries, means that the effect of the CBD is long lasting. Larger single doses can be effective throughout the day rather than needing to re-dose smaller amounts.
Purelife offers Raw Extract CBD oil in MCT in 500mg (5%), 1000mg (10%), 2000mg (20%), 3000mg (30%), 4000mg (40%) and 5000mg (50%) raw extract per 10ml of Organic MCT, so you can choose the perfect strength for your use. Our high grade raw extract is guaranteed to contain a minimum of 20% CBD/CBDA cannabinoids, together with the full spectrum of terpenes, flavonoids and vitamins retained by the Supercritical CO2 extraction process. 500mg – 3000mg strengths are available with spray or pipette lids. The 4000mg and 5000mg strengths are too thick to spray so are only available in pipette versions.
How to take CBD Raw Extract in MTC oil
Most users spray or drop CBD in MCT under their tongue and hold it there for a few seconds, then swallow it, but you can also add a few drops to yogurt or on bread. We do not advised you to add the CBD in MCT to hot drinks as some parts of the oils can be changed by heat above 65 degrees. When using CBD oil as a food supplement the recommended dose is no more than 70mg of CBD per day. It does not replace medical treatments and you should assure yourself that it will not interfere with any medicines that you are taking. You can ask your doctor or pharmacist’s advice about this.
How does CBD Raw Extract in MTC work?
Our Raw Extract CBD in MCT oil contains CO2 extracted, full spectrum CBD from Sativa L hemp. The CO2 extraction of full plant extract ensures that all of the types of CBD as well as the terpenes in the hemp plant are preserved and present in the oil. Terpenes are important because they support the action of the Cannabinoid molecules, creating an entourage effect that allows the CBD to act on the body’s endocannabinoid system most effectively, boosting the natural CBD that the body produces. There are no unwanted psychoactive effects from using CBD in MCT because there is only a tiny trace amount of THC present of less than 0.01% THC. Ingested CBD mimics the body’s own natural processes but provides more raw materials to this remarkable system.
The endocannabinoid system helps to balance all kinds of neurological functions including brain function, pain control, nerve function, mood and anxiety levels.
Wellness enthusiasts choose Organic CBD in MCT to supplement their healthy diet and exercise regimes and provide a boost to their day, but also to help them relax. The combination of CBD in a readily-absorbable healthy MCT oil, with fast cell membrane absorption is perfect for both busy lives and people facing challenging days.
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