Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus Limonum) contains a powerful anti-oxidant , d-limonene, and an anti-microbial agent. Its refreshing scent is a clue to its reputation as an energising and rejuvenating oil that is chosen to support the immune system, aid lymphatic drainage, cleanse toxins from the body and help to clarify the skin. Diffusing Lemon Essential oil can aid concentration and mood. In the home it has many uses as a disinfectant, fabric freshener, insect repellent and even as a gum and sticky label remover!
A Lemon Essential oil is cold pressed from the rinds of lemons, rather than from the flesh of the fruit. It is the lemon rind oil which holds the highest concentrations of nutrients, in particular fat soluble phytonutrients.
Lemon Essential Oil for hair and skin health